There are several important updates that we would like to share which are contained in our May / June 2017 Newsletter.

  1. Important upcoming dates
  2. CUPE 997 Student Bursary winners for 2017
  3. OTIP Student Bursary for 2017
  4. Violence in the Workplace workshops update
  5. Who doesn’t like to $ave $ome Money?
  6. OMERS proposed changes suspended thanks to your work!
  7. Lump sum payment for the fall 2017.  How to make sure you qualify!
  8. Educational Assistants Posting / Bumping process for June 2017.
  9. Deadline to file your Offence Declaration.
  10. OTIP – Negotiating a Good Deal when purchasing a vehicle.
  11. How do I sign up to receive Newsletters and Updates

Click here to download the May / June 2017 Newsletter