Executive and stewards

This is your CUPE 997 Executive:


William Campbell


705-934-2997 or 1-844-934-2997

Fax 1-866-742-1741


Vice President

Lianne Barley


(H) 705-454-8073


Recording Secretary

Susan Sainsbury


(H) 705-772-9607



Laurie Clarke


(H) 705-349-8102


Chief Steward – Custodial

Larry Brown


(H) 705-340-1913

Chief Steward – Maintenance

Russ Crozier


Vanessa Gonsalves

Chief Steward – Office / Clerical




Chief Steward – Technical



Chief Steward – Educational Assistants

Debbie Gillan


(H) 705-380-3146


Officers of CUPE Local 997      

  • All Members of the Executive Committee, 3 Trustees and Membership Officer
  • Trustees “Term of Office” per CUPE National Constitution

Kari Aubin

Trustee – To 08/31/2025

Pine Glen Public School


Angela Coulter

Trustee – To 08/31/2026

Langton Public School

Jenna Hopps

Trustee – To 08/31/2027

Lindsay Education Centre

Adam Hopps

Membership Officer

Fenelon Falls Secondary School

Work-site Communicators

Work-site Communicators
Bargaining Unit(s)
Custodial / Maintenance
Office, Clerical, Technical & EA
Alexandra P.S. Christina Knight
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Archie Stouffer E.S. Erica Medlar
Archie Stouffer E.S. Michelle Allore
Bobcaygeon P.S. Adam Hopps
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Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes S.S. Kelly Baker
Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes S.S. Larry Brown
Bracebridge AAEC Janice Moore
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Bracebridge P.S. Lydia Truswell cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Bracebridge Property Services Deb Northmore
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Cardiff E.S. Cathy Graham cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Central Senior P.S. Karen Harford cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Dr. George Hall Andrea Medhurst
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Dunsford E.S. Kim Loucks
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Fenelon AETC Lisa Young
Fenelon Falls S.S. Shannon Veley
Fenelon Falls S.S. Lisa Worsley / Barb Smith
Fenelon Township P.S. Faye Henderson
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Glen Orchard P.S. Jacqueline Stewart / Sue Armstrong
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Grandview P.S. Anita Durant
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Gravenhurst AAEC Allie Dennis
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Gravenhurst High School Sandi Cowan cupe-chekmark
Gravenhurst High School Kathy Mischke
Gravenhurst P.S. Joyce Tomkinson
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Haliburton AAEC Kristie Waito
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Haliburton Education Centre Jennifer Sharp cupe-chekmark
Haliburton Highlands S.S. Maggie Broersma cupe-chekmark
Haliburton Highlands S.S. Jackie Mayhew/Suzanne Smith
Honey Harbour P.S. Tracey Devine cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Huntsville AAEC Jackie Sheridan
cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Huntsville High School Laurie Clarke cupe-chekmark
Huntsville High School Tanya Dingman
Huntsville P.S. Jackie Parkin cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
I. E. Weldon S.S. Kristy Chartrand
I. E. Weldon S.S. Dale Quibell cupe-chekmark
Irwin Memorial P.S. Sanday Brown
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J. D. Hodgson E.S. Cheryl Beynon
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Jack Callaghan P.S.
Victoria Peebles
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K. P. Manson P.S. Carrie Madill
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King Albert P.S. Shawne Wright
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Lady MacKenzie P.S. Lianne Barley cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Langton P.S. Angela Coulter / Maria Marlin
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Leslie Frost P.S. Nicole Donaldson-Ahern
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Lindsay AAEC & Virtual Learning Sara Miller
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Lindsay C.V.I. Anne Wright cupe-chekmark
Lindsay C.V.I. Alison Bowins
Lindsay Education Centre Diane Jenkins cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Lindsay Property Services Cathy Conkie
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Macaulay P.S. Jennifer Rendall cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Mariposa E.S. Kelley Cavers
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Monck P.S. Marla Hyde
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Muskoka Beechgrove P.S. Debbie Gillan
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Muskoka Education Centre Gayle Taylor
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Muskoka Falls P.S. Susan Dean
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Parkview P.S. Gayle Jones
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Pine Glen P.S. Julie Deavu
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Queen Victoria P.S. Julie Mah
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Ridgewood P.S. Susan Wardley
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Riverside P.S. Kristie Davidson
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Rolling Hills P.S. Cindy Whitelaw
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Scott Young P.S. Linda Phillips
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Spruce Glen P.S. Merina Culp
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Stuart Baker E.S. Andy Lewis cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
V.K. Greer P.S. Jacqueline Begg cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Watt P.S. Brieanne Gallant
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Wilberforce E.S. Tracey Nottage cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark
Woodville E.S. Judy Rea cupe-chekmark cupe-chekmark


All Committee Members noted below can be contacted via TLDSB Google Mail.

CUPE Professional Development Fund

  •                 Jennifer Sharp – Office Clerical
  •                 Tracey Benson – Educational Assistant
  •                 Diane Jenkins – Technical
  •                 Karen Harford – Custodial/Maintenance

Job Evaluation

  •                 Kirk MacFarlane
  •                 Debbie Gillan
  •                 Lisa Wokral
  •                 Lianne Barley
  •                 William Campbell

footer new CUPE

What we do

We are the Custodial/Maintenance; Office, Clerical Technical Staff and
Educational Assistants of Trillium Lakelands District School Board

Our CUPE Local is a chartered member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees – a national, all-Canadian Union. We are over 600,000 members strong across Canada – we’re the workers who deliver important public services. Our work makes our communities work …. CUPE – on the front line in your community ….. www.cupe.ca

A CUPE National Representative is assigned to each Local. Our CUPE Representative assists our Executive and Committees regarding all labour relations issues such as

  • Ongoing administration of our collective agreements
  • Grievances, mediation/arbitrations
  • Bargaining
  • Federal and Provincial legislation affecting education and school board workers
  • Health and Safety issues
  • and much more!

CUPE Ontario is our Provincial “watchdog” www.cupe.on.ca – many laws affecting CUPE Members are decided by Provincial Governments. In Ontario, school board funding is determined by the Ministry of Education. Provincial Divisions do not “service” CUPE Locals – the Divisions’ role is to lobby, in co-operation with CUPE Locals and “watchdog” legislation and practices of the Provincial Government.

CUPE Ontario is set up in “sectoral groups”. We are part of the CUPE Ontario School Board Co-ordinating Committee (OSBCC). Our Area 7 of the OSBCC also includes Durham (both Public and Catholic School Boards), Kawartha-Pine Ridge School Board and Peterborough, Northumberland, Clarington and Victoria Catholic School Board.

YOU ARE INVITED …. There are three CUPE Local 997 Regular General Meetings per year. The meetings are on Saturdays commencing at 10:30 a.m. Check out the Calendar for the specific dates and meeting locations.

For more information about CUPE 997 please download our Flyer provided to new CUPE hires.

We represent Education Workers working for Trillium Lakelands District School Board at the following work-sites:

Alexandra P.S.

Archie Stouffer E.S.

Bobcaygeon P.S.

Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes S.S.

Bracebridge AETC

Bracebridge P.S.

Bracebridge Property Services

Cardiff E.S.

Central Senior P.S.

Dr. George Hall

Dunsford E.S.

Fenelon AETC

Fenelon Falls S.S.

Fenelon Township P.S.

Glen Orchard P.S.

Grandview P.S.

Gravenhurst AETC

Gravenhurst High School

Gravenhurst P.S.

Haliburton AETC

Haliburton Education Centre

Haliburton Highlands S.S.

Honey Harbour P.S.

Huntsville AETC

Huntsville High School

Huntsville P.S.

I.E. Weldon S.S.

Irwin Memorial P.S.

J.D. Hodsgon E.S.

Jack Callaghan P.S.

K.P. Manson P.S.

King Albert P.S.

Lady Eaton P.S.

Lady MacKenzie P.S.

Langton P.S.

Leslie Frost P.S.

Lindsay AETC & Virtual Learning

Lindsay C.V.I.

Lindsay Education Centre

Lindsay Property Services

Macaulay P.S.

Mariposa E.S.

Monck P.S.

Muskoka Beechgrove P.S.

Muskoka Education Centre

Muskoka Falls P.S.

Parkview P.S.

Pine Glen P.S.

Queen Victoria P.S.

Ridgewood P.S.

Riverside P.S.

Rolling Hills P.S.

Scott Young P.S.

Spruce Glen P.S.

Stuart Baker E.S.

V.K. Greer P.S.

Watt P.S.

Wilberforce E.S.

Woodville E.S.

Yearley Outdoor Education Centre